Pomp and Color at JOOUST Mega Launch

There was a display of ostentation and grandeur as the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST), launched four major programs in a colorful ceremony held at the University’s assembly hall. The four programs that were launched included the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, JOOUST Alumni Association (JOOUSTAA), Endowment Fund and the JOOUST Foundation.
The event was graced by members of the University Council, Management board, members of staff and other invited guests.
The highlight of the day was the launch of the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan which is a framework that gives a guideline on how the university plans to operate within the stipulated period. It was revealed that the university plans to spend Kshs 15.8billion to improve infrastructure, research and other key sectors in the university.
An Endowment Fund was also launched on the same event, the fund is geared to provide support systems to students who are faced by various challenges in course of undertaking their studies. The challenges may include but are not limited to poverty, social pressure. The fund is geared towards ameliorating situations where students lack basic needs.
Simultaneously, the university also launched the JOOUST Alumni Association. Although the association already existed and was operational it was officially launched and presented as a registered association. The association will help foster the spirit of community among students that have gone through the university and those still pursuing various programs at the university.
Finally, the JOOUST Foundation was also launched. Domiciled under the Directorate of Institutional Advancement and Networking(DiNAO) the foundation will be a tool for securing research grants and other types of funding for university research programs.
Many speakers at the event applauded the four programs that were launched citing that they were critical and important programs for the continued growth of the university. There is no doubt that this programs will embolden and cultivate the spirit of growth and community in the institution.