
Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Techno...

Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology was selected by the ...

JOOUST-Led Partnership Celebrates Graduation of 15 Epid...

The Capacity Development of Applied Epidemiologists (CDAE) Dissemination and Clo...

Pomp and Color at JOOUST Mega Launch

There was a display of ostentation and grandeur as the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Un...

USAID Boresha Jamii Joins CS Health in Strengthening Ka...

As a health partner in Kakamega County, USAID Boresha Jamii represented by the C...

Enhancing Climate Resilience through Solar Cooking

The University is spearheading a transformative solution to enhance community re...

Strengthening Climate Resilience in the Lake Victoria B...

JOOUST is taking a significant step towards enhancing community and ecosystem re...

Strengthening community health: CHPS trained on risk as...

Community Health Promoters (CHPs) from Nyadhi, Komenya Kalaka, and Umala Communi...

The rise again of JOOUST student clubs

JOOUST has over 20 registered Student Clubs, reflecting a wide range of interest...

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