JOOUST announces presence in the accelerated research to commercialization program

Nov 24, 2023 - 11:35
Nov 24, 2023 - 12:53
JOOUST announces presence in the  accelerated research to commercialization program
Dr. Solomon Omwoma recieves a certificate award of completion of the Accelerated Research to Commercialization programme
JOOUST announces presence in the  accelerated research to commercialization program
JOOUST announces presence in the  accelerated research to commercialization program
JOOUST announces presence in the  accelerated research to commercialization program

Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST) proudly participated in the Accelerated Research to Commercialization program, a collaborative initiative  of Victoria Ventures and the Kenya National Innovation Agency. The program spanned from May 2023 to November 2023, providing a platform for groundbreaking projects to transition from research ideas to viable commercial ventures.

Representing JOOUST in this prestigious endeavor was Dr. Solomon Omwoma Lugasi, whose innovative project  "SOBs Animal Feeds"  traces its roots back to the Chemistry Research Laboratory, where the project gained prominence after  it was presented to the former President, Uhuru Kenyatta, during his  tour to JOOUST  in 2019.

The crux of the SOBs Animal Feeds project lies in its potential to revolutionize the poultry and aquaculture industries. The highly nutritious fish and chicken feed developed through meticulous research has the capacity to redefine the taste and nutritional quality of farmed fish.

The scholar behind the project, Dr.  Lugasi, , stressed  the uniqueness of the formulation. "Our feed has the potential to make a fish consumer unable to discern the taste difference between caged and wild fish in Lake Victoria," he stated. This breakthrough addresses a critical aspect of aquaculture, where the taste and nutritional quality of farmed fish often differ from their wild counterparts.

The success of the SOBs Animal Feeds project in this program opens doors for potential partnerships, investment opportunities, and eventual commercialization.